Sunday, May 3, 2015

365-14 days till Portugal....

My wonderful mentor, given to me by TEAM, has worked out an amazing timeline for me. On this amazing timeline my mentor has given me a departure date (God willing). April 18, 2016. 351 days. Before I met my coach, I had a great departure date, sometime in June 2016. I figured June would give me enough time to get situated and ready for an intensive summer Portuguese program, but I guess April is better.

I was going to write this post 2 weeks ago when it would have been 365 days but I got overwhelmed. I started thinking about the things that I would be missing when I was gone. I will be missing birthdays, milestones, and good old fun with my family and friends. I started thinking about what time would be best for me to leave, but I could think of a reason to stay for just about every month. I had to realize that although I will be missing some great memories, I will also be making some amazing memories, great friends, and an adoptive family. Most importantly, though, I will be doing what God has called me to do.

God called me to the mission field 12 years ago (That is just crazy!!!) and I have been preparing to go ever since. I went to Multnomah for the purpose of preparing myself for ministry overseas, ministry in Portugal. I have had times of extreme excitement and extreme sadness on my road to Portugal, but I wouldn't trade a moment for anything. In each of those moments, both happy and sad, God was teaching me and growing me into the person I am today and preparing me for ministry. And I can't WAIT!!!! I am beyond excited to finally be so close to heading to Portugal to work in ministry! A calling that I have had for so long!

Before I head to Portugal, though, there are many things that I have to do to prepare for life overseas. First, I have to prepare myself for life overseas and family life via Skype. I have to network and fundraise, sharing my story with many people. I have to go to Chicago for pre-diparture orientation, hopefully in October! I am so excited for the next 351 days and for the adventures God will be taking me on! Here's to Portugal April 18, 2016!!!